


邀请的礼物是对特立尼达州立学院未来发展的投资 and the communities it serves; an investment that will enhance the services and educational 特立尼达国提供的机会.

捐赠者可以捐献资金来匹配他们感兴趣的特定项目 在学院和基金会的优先事项范围内;
Or donors may contribute unrestricted funds to be applied at the 基金会 Board's discretion for emerging challenges and needs not previously allocated.

基金会的董事会和专业人员都可以与您一起工作 donors to determine how best to accomplish their charitable objectives. 从《正规的购彩app下载》 完成后,基金会将确保资金严格按照规定使用 按照捐赠者的意愿.


As stated in the 正规的购彩app下载基金会's corporate charter, the purpose 基金会主席 is to receive, hold, invest, administer, pay out and distribute 制造、捐赠、捐献的各种资金、金钱、财产和有价值的物品; 交付,设计,遗赠或以其他方式转让或传达给公司 来自希望使特立尼达州立学院受益的捐助者.

本文件的目的是建立政策和指导方针,将提供 以维持及改善基金会的资产. 这份文件将被审查 以反映金融市场的变化和基金会的需要 以支持学院.


正规的购彩app下载基金会的投资政策将提供指导方针 管理通过筹款活动创建的捐赠基金的资产, 与第三章挑战奖助金捐赠基金分开.

投资政策的目的是协助董事会有效地 supervising and monitoring its investment activities; and to provide guidance to investment 受雇代表董事会管理其资产的管理人员. 它是由 向所有有关人士就其法律及受托责任提供意见.

董事会应授权投资委员会进行投资、管理和指导 并监督收到的资金作为筹款努力的结果,以造福于 current and future generations who are the ultimate beneficiaries 基金会主席.

投资委员会 shall carry out the Investment Policies 基金会主席. 委员会成员应遵循审慎专家角色,其中规定受托人应 在特定情况下,“以谨慎、技巧、谨慎和勤奋”管理投资组合 then prevailing, and that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar which such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of like character and 像目标.” 投资委员会 shall meet no less than semi-annually and will 向董事会报告. 董事会保留最终控制权 负责所有的投资活动.


的 基金会’s assets exist to provide long-term support to 正规的购彩app下载. Accordingly, the objective of the Investment Committee is to provide direction for 本基金会金融资产的投资. 投资委员会 will consist of not more than seven (7) individuals, the President, the Director of Development and the Chief 金融 Officer of 正规的购彩app下载 and not more 基金会董事会指定的四(4)人以上. This Investment Committee is charged with the following 责任:

  • To establish and maintain policies and guidelines for the receiving and investment 基金会资产.
  • 在这些资产之间确定适当的资产配置.
  • To provide a system for monitoring the returns on these assets, and to review the 这些资产的表现.
  • 根据需要雇佣和解雇投资经理.
  • 向基金会董事会报告.
的 investment objective is to achieve a total return including appreciation which 能否满足当前各类捐赠基金的财务需求,保障和 增加长期通货膨胀调整后的价值,尽量减少短期波动.
为了达到这个广泛的目标,具体的绩效目标是达到,在 可接受的风险水平,平均年总回报达到或超过金额 基金会的支出(分配)率加上通货膨胀加上投资管理 以及相关费用.

投资委员会有权在必要时聘请专家协助 it in evaluating investment and asset management options and strategies. 投资 委员会被授权挑选投资经理进行投资和管理资产 基金会主席. Investment managers shall be selected from established and financially sound organizations that have a proven and demonstrated record in managing similar 基金或资产. Selection of managers will depend upon factors established by the 并将与基金会的投资理念保持一致 目标,捐赠者限制以及适用的联邦和州限制.

  • 限制 – Funds will be distributed from the 基金会's Operating Fund to the appropriate 大学 account upon their receipt for utilization by the benefiting program. 那些 未转移但保留在基金会的资金将继续以利息形式持有 bearing accounts until further distribution is required or requested. 任何收入 从流动资金中拨出的款项将成为业务基金的一部分.
  • 不受限制的 -为目前不受限制的需要所捐助的资金将分配给适当的人 通过学院设立的委员会程序确定的学院账户; subject to approval by the 大学 President, whereby recommendations are received 由TSC基金会董事会. 这些资金将直接拨给接收资金的地区 final approval 基金会主席 Board in consultation 与学院合作.
  • 限制 – Funds will be spent as available from proceeds of the investment of the corpus. 这些资金将按照支出政策和书面的捐赠人/基金会使用 捐赠协议.
  • 不受限制的– Funds will be spent as proceeds from the investment of the corpus are realized. 这些资金将 be directed to the area of greatest need as identified through a 由学院设立的委员会程序,须经学院院长批准; whereby recommendations are received 由TSC基金会董事会. 这些资金将 将被引导到基金会理事会在咨询后得到最终批准的地区 与学院合作.
It is the policy of the Board of Directors to pay 5% of the ending balance of the endowment fund at year's end, average over the past three (3) years. 分布 (支出)政策应考虑到基金会的任何再平衡需求 投资组合. 分布s can be paid from interest income, dividends, and capital 投资委员会认为适当的收益. 在任何时候,主体均不得 一笔捐赠的基金被花掉了. 本钱被定义为最初赠予的金额 the 基金会 by a donor, and excludes any interest, dividends, or appreciation of 最初赠送的金额.

This statement of Investment Policy and objectives may be altered or amended at any 时间由投资委员会决定. 任何修改以最终批准为准 基金会的董事会成员.


基金会承诺尽其所能确保,永久可靠 and secure source of funds for 正规的购彩app下载's programs and priorities.

命名礼物提供了一种永久的方式来尊重和认可一个人、一个家庭、 或者一个组织. 有关这些机会的更多信息,请联系 基金会办公室.

A charitable gift to the 基金会 should be made on or before December 31 of the year in which you wish to receive the charitable income tax deduction.

If the 大学 can use items of personal property (including equipment), you will 获得最高允许扣除额. 如果没有相关用途,您将收到 较小的扣除额. 有关特殊用途的问题,请与您的财务顾问联系 在给.

You must obtain an appraisal for any noncash contribution which exceeds $5,000. 的 appraisal summary section of IRS Form 8283 must be completed and attached to your 申请扣除额的所得税申报表. 不需要评估 公开交易有价证券的礼物,其市场报价随时可得 在一个成熟的证券市场.

Your gift will be used specifically for the purpose(s) they were given and treated 根据您的指示,我将尽最大努力保密.

All gifts to the 基金会 qualify for appropriate levels of recognition from the TSC基金会.

此页面上的信息不作为法律建议. 如需法律建议,请联系 联系你的税务律师和/或会计.

的 正规的购彩app下载基金会 is the official recipient for all gifts to the 大学. Checks should be made out to the TSC基金会, property should be transferred to the TSC基金会, and property should be sold in the name of the TSC基金会. 如果您需要基金会的税号,请提供 联系基金会办公室.

的 基金会's mission is to support the growth and development of Trinidad State 大学.

正规的购彩app下载基金会 believes that equal opportunity is important 为了我们组织的持续成功.

基金会致力于公平代表权的政策,不会有任何歧视 on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, 性取向,年龄,身体或精神残疾,政治派别,退伍军人 身份或婚姻状况.

此政策适用于TSC基金会的所有活动,包括但不限于 to employment, selection of volunteers, and selecting vendors or consultants.

的 基金会's mission is to support the growth and development of Trinidad State 大学.

慈善事业 是基于共同利益的自愿行动. 这是一个给予和的传统 分享这些对生活质量至关重要. 确保慈善事业值得 the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors 能对他们所要求的非营利组织和事业有充分的信心吗 为了支持,我们宣布所有捐助者都有以下权利:

  1. To be informed of the organization’s mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their 预期的目的.To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization’s 并期望董事会在其管理工作中做出审慎的判断 责任.
  2. 要了解该组织管理委员会成员的身份, 并期望董事会在履行其管理职责时做出审慎的判断.To have access to the organization’s most recent financial statements.
  3. 要了解该组织管理委员会成员的身份, 并期望董事会在履行其管理职责时做出审慎的判断.
  4. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
  5. 得到适当的承认和认可.
  6. 确保有关他们捐款的信息得到尊重和妥善处理 法律规定范围内的保密.
  7. 期望与代表利益组织的个人的所有关系 对捐赠者将是专业性质的.
  8. 要知道那些寻求捐赠的人是否是志愿者,该组织的员工 或者聘请律师.
  9. 有机会将其名称从组织的邮件列表中删除 可能打算分享.
  10. 在进行捐赠时可以自由地提出问题,并得到及时、真实的信息 直截了当的回答.





的 基金会's mission is to support the growth and development of Trinidad State 大学.